The Aesthetic Realism Foundation is the not-for-profit educational foundation that teaches the philosophy founded in 1941 by Eli Siegel, American educator, poet, critic. The Aesthetic Realism Chair of Education is Ellen Reiss. You can visit our website by clicking here or on any of the following links:
- Aesthetic Realism Foundation Home Page
- About Eli Siegel and the educational activities of the Foundation
- International periodical, The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known
- Books by Eli Siegel and about Aesthetic Realism
- Nationwide Links to Websites that feature Eli Siegel and Aesthetic Realism
- Art in America Guide: Entry about Aesthetic Realism Foundation / Terrain Gallery
Recent issues of
The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known:
NUMBER 2157.—March 12, 2025
Imagination—about Hopes, Mistakes, & More
NUMBER 2156.—February 26, 2025
Imagination: Power and Kindness
NUMBER 2155.—February 12, 2025
Imagination—When It’s Fair to the World
NUMBER 2154.—January 29, 2025
Imagination—For or Against the World
NUMBER 2153.—January 15, 2025
Site Maps for Websites about Aesthetic Realism
- Aesthetic Realism Foundation
- Aesthetic Realism Online Library
- Terrain Gallery
- Definition Press
- Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company
- Realismo Estético en Español
- The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known
What People Who Study Aesthetic Realism Are Saying
Architecture & New York City
Aesthetic Realism Looks at New York City. John Stern writes: “As a historian with a lifelong care for the metropolis, I’m glad to welcome you to “Aesthetic Realism Looks at New York City: Landmarks, Poetry, Painting, History, Photography.” This website looks at the great city, whose beauty is explained by Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy founded by Eli Siegel (1902-1978), the noted American poet and educator who stated: “All beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves.”
Every city, like every person, is a unique relation of opposites. The way hardness and softness, past and present, sameness and difference, rest and motion, vertical and horizontal come together in New York is what makes this city great. >> Read more
The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company in New York City. The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company’s productions are an exciting new dramatic form. Many performances are based on landmark talks given by Eli Siegel on plays from world theatre—by Shakespeare, Molière, Sheridan, Ibsen, Strindberg, Eugene O’Neill, George Kelly, Susan Glaspell—and others. We also present Mr. Siegel’s critical discussions of some of the great novels of all time, with scenes enacted—from Jane Eyre, Huckleberry Finn, Père Goriot, and Hard Times, to name a few.
Bennett Cooperman, consultant, actor and singer with the Company, says: “I love the new way of seeing drama and acting that is in Aesthetic Realism. You can find out more in the important essay, ‘I Believe this about Acting,’ by Anne Fielding, Director Emeritus of the Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company. And you can read about the lives and artistry of noted actors in history, including Edwin Booth, Edwin Forrest and George M. Cohan, on the website I share with my wife, consultant Meryl Nietsch-Cooperman, who is also part of the theatre company.”
Art (a sampling)
Aesthetic Realism and Picasso’s GUERNICA: For Life “Pablo Picasso in his angry yet monumental memorial to Guernica opposes cruelty and affirms life—doesn’t say reality is senseless.” —Dorothy Koppelman
GERRIT RIETVELD’S RED AND BLUE CHAIR & What I Learned about Rest and Motion in Myself by Anthony Romeo, Architect (AIA). “In 1918, the architect Gerrit Thomas Rietveld designed a chair that affected not only furniture design, but the history of architecture. Rietveld’s ‘Red and Blue’ chair is now in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, and it is a chair I love.” Mr. Romeo quotes from Eli Siegel’s Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites?, a class taught by Ellen Reiss, the Aesthetic Realism Chair of Education, Gerrit Rietveld, and other sources.
On the Place of Eli Siegel in Anthropological Thought Excerpt #1 from Columbia University doctoral thesis in anthropology by Arnold Perey, Ph.D., based on Aesthetic Realism. In “A New Perspective for Anthropology” Dr. Perey writes: “Through the Aesthetic Realism method we can learn about ourselves from anthropology. There is not a person in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, or the Pacific, who cannot teach us about the deepest feelings in ourselves…”
Film and Video
The Heart Knows Better. A Film by Ken Kimmelman This Emmy award-winning anti-prejudice public service announcement by Ken Kimmelman illustrates, in powerful images, that people of different backgrounds are more alike than we may see. The film arose from Mr. Kimmelman’s study of Aesthetic Realism. Imagery Film, Ltd. is the film company directed by Mr. Kimmelman, an Aesthetic Realism consultant, in New York City.
Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company videos Performances of songs from some of the great presentations this renowned Theatre Company has given across the US. Featured are: “Breakeven” and “Anyone Who Had a Heart” from “Rock ‘n’ Roll, the Opposites, & Our Greatest Hopes,” and “The Wearin’ of the Green” from “Humanity’s Opposites: Beginning with Ireland.”
Friends of Aesthetic Realism—Countering the Lies The purpose of this website is to counter lies about Aesthetic Realism, which have been put forth on the Internet by a few individuals. — “It’s a lie, and not a well told one at that. It grins out like a copper dollar.” —Abraham Lincoln
Barbara Allen, flutist, teacher, Aesthetic Realism Consultant “The philosophy of Aesthetic Realism, which I am so proud to teach, has educated me about the most important things a person can know—including about Music, Education, Love and Marriage.” —Barbara Allen
See “Aesthetic Realism and the Art of the Flute,” an Interview with Barbara Allen in Conversation with Edward Green, PhD. (Published in the Hellenic Journal of Music, Education and Art. Vol. 6, Article 4)
Edward Green, prize-winning composer, teacher of piano and composition, professor at Manhattan School of Music and on the Aesthetic Realism Foundation faculty.
Alan Shapiro, jazz pianist and music educator. Includes articles on works by Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Richard Wagner, and Antonio Vivaldi.
Watch “Roughness and Sweetness in Louis Armstrong’s ‘I Can’t Give You Anything but Love'” by Alan Shapiro
Haroldo Mauro Jr. – [in English] The accomplished Brazilian pianist, arranger, composer and teacher Haroldo Mauro, Jr.
Haroldo Mauro Jr. – [em Português] Pianista/compositor—Formação acadêmica: Aesthetic Realism Foundation – Nova York, EUA (1986-1989) Estudos em educação e estética.
Len Bernstein—Photography Photography education using the philosophy of Aesthetic Realism as its critical basis.
David M. Bernstein, Fine Art Photography Portfolio and articles by this noted photographer and his colleagues. “I want people to have the thrill and honor of learning, as I so happily do, how the questions of our lives are solved in art; how opposites such as immediate and permanent, logic and emotion, dark and light are crucial in a photograph, and that we can learn from art how to have these opposites truly composed in ourselves.” —David M. Bernstein Email:
Amy and Louis Dienes, Photographers and Aesthetic Realism Associates Portfolios of photographs; accounts of Aesthetic Realism classes; Gallery Talks; News; and Poem: Black and White, with a selection of photographs which inspired the lines. Louis and Amy Dienes studied in classes with Eli Siegel and now with Ellen Reiss.
Dan McClung “When I am inspired to photograph something it is always, I have learned, the opposites of reality in a particular relation, at a particular moment, that have taken me; this very much includes people. My study of Aesthetic Realism and Eli Siegel’s statement that “all beauty is the making one of opposites,” have enabled me—as I frame a subject in the viewfinder, deciding what to omit or include, how close to get, or what angle may be best—to be consciously aware of the opposites in what I see; how closeness and distance are in a landscape, how the mysterious can be shown in an ordinary object, or how light and shadow reveal emotion in a face.
News, Articles, & Essays
Nancy Huntting, Aesthetic Realism Consultant “I am proud to have seen that Aesthetic Realism is the greatest force for individuality of a true kind as it shows what a person has in common with all people on this diverse earth!”
4 Papers by Nancy Huntting given in Aesthetic Realism Seminars:
♦ Can a Woman Really Know Herself?—& Does She Want To?
♦ The Most Popular Mistakes about Love—& How Not to Make Them!
♦ Respect, Contempt, and Individuality
♦ How Can I Take Care of Me & Be Fair to You: A Woman’s Urgent Question
How My Stuttering Ended by Miriam Mondlin. “A matter that concerns many people in America and has caused a great deal of pain is stuttering. From Aesthetic Realism I learned the scientific cause of stuttering and my stuttering ended!”
Ruth Oron, Essayist “On this blog, you can read articles on various subjects such as: peace in the middle east, economic justice, essays on art and the family….I’m grateful to learn from Aesthetic Realism, the education founded by poet & critic Eli Siegel, that every subject, including the self, is related.”
Leila Rosen, English teacher “Some of the papers you’ll find on this site describe the great effectiveness of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method. And there are also papers on subjects that concern everyone, including love, kindness, justice, and how to see people.”